Willehalm Institute Press Release




Does He Really Want to Know Who Is Behind 9/11 and What Is Next?


Robert J. Kelder


Update: On June 6, the following email was sent by me to Jimmy Walter which bears on the press release below. “I recently got back from London where I did speak (dressed in a grey suit) at the opening of the English part of your European tour in Friends House, but where I got silenced by the chairman (mike also went dead) just when I wanted to make known what according to Dr. Slobodan Mitric, author of the trilogy Operation Twins, the next imminent terrorist attack will consist of. More details of this attack, which apparently form the scenario of volume 2 of Operation Twins, can be gotten only from him, even though the CIA have had, according to Mitric, these two other volumes also in their possession since 1987! But I did manage to mention that I had written down Mitric’s warning of a coming attack in a press release entitled ‘Confronting Jimmy Walter’, which I then distributed to interested persons in the hall and which I include here, among others, as an attachment. The fact that you have now finally contacted us has downplayed our suspicion of your true motives, which arose by us because we found it strange and inexplicable that you did not react to our [many] previous attempts to contact you; but we now tend to believe that circumstances or persons have somehow prevented you from reading and appraising the intrinsic value of the unique material we sent you, material which indeed is only the tip of the proverbial iceberg.” In this email I did not mention that after the enforced end of my speech in Friends House I walked up to the podium and handed Jimmy Walter a copy of Operation Twins with in it a copy of this press release. On my return to Amsterdam I learned that this material had mysteriously disappeared only to be found on the kitchen table of one of the members of his staff in London.

In a reply on that same day, June 6, to the press release, Jimmy Walter denied the “completely wrong allegations” and made some additional comments, which, together with the press release itself, he distributed to his list. We will make his full commentary public as soon as we receive his permission to do so.



Amsterdam, May 25, 2005 - In his campaign for an international truth commission to reopen the 9/11 investigation the American multi-millionaire Jimmy Walter and part of his panel crew opened their European “Mega” tour entitled “Confronting The Evidence” here in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on May 20, before leaving the next day to other European cities on their tour such as Berlin, Paris, Madrid, Vienna and London. Through video presentations and contributions by a forum of experts it was convincingly demonstrated that the real cause for the rapid collapse of the Twin Towers could not have been the damage and heat caused by the planes and that the relatively small size of the gaping hole in the Pentagon could not have been caused by a large Boeing 757, thereby debunking the official versions as laid out in the 9/11 Commission Report.  What magnified the huge fireball of the crash into the South Tower was a rocket [or missile] launched from (at least) the second aircraft a split second before the collision. This is no conspiracy theory, but an actual observation that can be made from viewing the unadulterated slow-motion images of the films that were shot of the fateful flight – of a military plane – just before the moment of impact. But what really caused the Twin Towers to implode so rapidly, like the controlled demolition that indeed it must have been, were the many explosions inside the buildings that were heard by various firemen and other witnesses on the scene, including Mr. Rodriguez, a panel member and former janitor of the Twin Towers. Another member of the panel Mr. Hufschmid, author of the book “Painful Questions”, ended his talk by asking the audience to “help us educate the people and make this world a better place”, while another panel member Mr. C. Bollyn, an investigative journalist from the “American Free Press” stated, “we need your help to explore the 9/11 lie”. The last panel member to speak, Mr. Toly gave prominence to the saying: “Information is power.”

In response to these calls for help in discovering and disseminating the truth behind the events of 9/11, I took to the floor at the beginning of the discussion period.  I  briefly referred to the astonishing and still largely unknown fact that this realistic alternative analysis of the WTC tragedy had indeed been forecast many years before the event itself, that this “preview” had as such been communicated in photo-collages and texts several times to the CIA and other instances inside the American government and that all this information and more has been disclosed in a book recently published in Amsterdam by the Willehalm Institute Press entitled “Operation Twins” * by Dr. Slobodan Mitric, a former Yugoslav Special Secret Service Agent and now World Director of Reserve Police-International, a hitherto relatively unknown U.S. based private anti-terrorist police organization founded in 1973 with ties to the CIA (Its founding-director General R. Healey was CIA director for Europe and Asia). Holding a copy of the book in my hand, I furthermore referred to its title page showing two aircraft crashing down on the Twin Towers, explaining that this title page was the cover of a film scenario written by Mitric dating as far back as 1982. I ended by voicing the hope that some form of trans-Atlantic cooperation in discovering the truth behind 9/11 could be found.

Now it is quite obvious that, if Mitric had forewarned the CIA of the impending attacks of 9/11 with photo collages and texts of the plane crashes and the controlled demolitions, he must not also have known their destructive plan of attack, but also who the planners and perpetrators for this synthetic terror operation were. This was indeed confirmed by Mitric during a discussion with him the day after the opening of Walter’s 9/11 Truth European tour when he stated that he had infiltrated into the inner core of the perpetrators, who operate under the code-name Titian, and that he possessed the necessary evidence for the fact that he carried out his counter-intelligence field work and that he had communicated this in good faith via his American connection Dr. Milorad Markovich, who has since mysteriously disappeared, to the – what he then considered appropriate –  US authorities.

One of the questions asked during the discussion period on May 20 was what the 9/11 criminals are planning to do next, to which Jimmy Walter curiously replied that, if he were in their shoes, he would kill President Bush – whom he earlier called a liar for his alleged deceit and deception in matters 9/11. Mitric’s comment to this was that the next course of action had already been disclosed in volume II of his book “Operation Twins”. This information, he stated, has already since 1982 been in the hands of the CIA, but had been withheld from the office of the US President, just as the copy of the book “Operation Twins” that was recently sent to President Bush has apparently been withheld from him. This impending course of action, divulged in Operation Twins II, consists of a container ship setting off a nuclear explosion in the harbor of New York City. This new information, which Mitric hereby wants to release to the world press, supplements the information he gave for the press conference and book launch on March 4 in The Hague , namely that the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein were, and still are, stored in various underwater depots in international waters and that it is from these booby-trapped secret locations that the nuclear material for this next huge-scale terrorist course of action will be taken.

Now this is obviously only the tip of the iceberg; only a madman, considering with what absolutely unscrupulous and dangerous dark forces we are dealing with, would, without taking the necessary precautionary security measures reveal the whole truth and unmask the villains in a simple press release or during a public meeting. Mitric’s life has been threatened more than once and we are already more than sticking our necks out with these present disclosures. But the fact that Mitric had attempted to prevent 9/11 by his early warning signals, should be sufficient incentive to at least seriously consider his new warning of an impending terrorist nuclear attack on America and therefore to immediately establish contact with him, so as this time prevent an even more hideous crime!        

Since experience has shown that this information is apparently withheld from its prime and foremost recipient, namely US President Bush himself, who after all is the supreme commander of all US forces and as such responsible for the safety of the “New World”, and since the world press and media have all remained totally silent in the face of earlier information sent to them, an attempt has been made bring this out into the open by informing other world leaders such as the Russian President Putin, French President Chirac, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, Mohammed Al Fayed and indeed our Jimmy Walter. However, none of them except Mr. Jacques Chirac, have at least confirmed the receipt of the book.

This long silence on the part of Jimmy Walter however, who has after all put himself with his mega tour in the forefront as the prime 9/11 truth-seeker of the present moment, is doubly strange and unsettling, for my contribution to the opening leg of his tour in Amsterdam on May 20 was by no means my first attempt to bring this matter to his immediate attention. Already in mid-February of this year, a press release was sent to him via his website (www.reopen911.org) announcing Mitric’s prophetic foreknowledge of 9/11 and his advance warning signals. On February 22, two weeks before the launch of the book “Operation Twins” in the National Press Center Nieuwspoort in the Dutch capital city of The Hague on March 4, a copy of the book “Operation Twins” itself and a letter had been sent to him to his address in California. Furthermore, the day before the opening of his European tour an email was sent to him on May 19 again via his website and as well through his personal assistant offering to bring him in touch with the Serbian writer of “Operation Twins”, who is living [rather surviving] here in exile in Amsterdam. Yet in spite of these various initiatives to get the ball rolling, including an email on May 22 to Walter’s assistant asking him to comment on short notice on an earlier version of this press release, there has until this mid-afternoon of May 25, absolutely been no response from Jimmy Walter himself.

Now undoubtedly this multi-millionaire receives his share of cranks and phonies and has many things on his mind, yet his protracted silence leads me, and Dr. Mitric as an experienced criminologist, to ask: either Jimmy Walter is surrounded by an ill-advised staff who, out of lack of insight and judgment, have not brought these pertinent and urgent matters to his attention or worse have consciously withheld this material from him, or on the other hand – presuming that he did receive and read the emails and the book – that with his “Mega” European tour he is not really interested in finding out the concrete truth behind 9/11 and what is next, but rather promoting his own person, thereby attracting and registering interested people and parties who may have useful information without following it up with a concerted course of common action. If this is indeed his real agenda, Mr. Walter has no moral right to call Bush a liar as he did, for then he himself is an ego-tripper, charlatan or worse. If this however is not the case, I again strongly urge him to establish contact with a source who can, according to my insight and judgment, lead him to the truth behind 9/11 in order to prevent further, even more catastrophic events in the future.


Note: Yesterday, May 24, the second presentation of the Amsterdam part of the European Tour took place with, among others, Webster Tarpley, who expanded on his latest book “9/11 – Synthetic Terror Made in the USA”, and Philip Berg, a US lawyer who is suing President Bush and Vice-president Cheney and 53 others for treason and murder, and whom I presented with a copy of “Operation Twins”, mentioning that this might lead him to the “deep throat” of 9/11 and to what is next that he is seeking.


* Visit www.willehalm.nl/OperationTwins.htm for the first 12 pages of the book and various other press releases and related items such as the photo collages by Dr. Mitric from his journal “The Serbian Army” of terrorist attacks by airplanes and demolition charges.  Update: The book itself can be ordered by sending an email to the publisher at info@willehalm.nl. In the UK it can be bought at the retail price of £10 at Wellspring Books, 5, New Oxford Street, London WC1A.